Hello! Larry Nocella here. I don’t know how to live this life and not be fascinated by everything. I am infinitely inquisitive.
That is my alter-ego as The Beanie-Copter Philosopher. Someday I’ll get around to writing the manifesto, but basically, I find most “philosophers” to be overly serious and uptight, resulting in cruel, cold, inhuman, un-fun approaches to life. Whenever I get philosophical, I recall that picture and I am reminded to be humble. It’s hard to be overly serious when that’s your photo.
The history behind it is long ago I was invited to a Halloween party. I find assembling a costume annoying, so I threw together a bunch of clashing colorful clothing and when people asked, “What are you supposed to be?” I would obnoxiously shout back, “I’m an eyesore!” Feel free to use this idea next Halloween.
Mostly write. It helps me clarify my thinking. I dig stories, made up or otherwise. Also enjoy teaching, sharing knowledge and observations, helping others get where they want to and cheering them on. I read mostly non-fiction, as I find it more fascinating than the way most people write fiction. Sorry. That’s why I try to write fiction, to show a better way to do it. Or try anyway.
I’ve written some books. I’ve designed some games using the amazing no-code Construct 3 tool. I’ve developed Alexa Skills with Javascript and the no-code tool Voiceflow. The Alexa skills are slowly fading as I tire of maintaining them to keep up with new hardware/software updates.
Here is a list of my larger writing and software dev projects (game development, and Alexa Skills) — opens a Google Doc in a new tab. — LIST OF PROJECTS
Between King and Koontz
April 3, 2019 — My collection of short horror stories appeared between horror author giants King and Koontz for a brief time. It was cool.

Runner-up $10,000 Atticus Prize for forward thinking
I was a runner-up for the Atticus Prize, a contest of forward thinking held by the largest advertising agency family in the world, WPP. It was a delightful writing challenge, and I felt my practice at speculative science fiction helped. Read about it here.
Contact (at) LarryNocella (dot) com – Feel free to get in touch. I’m always up for hearing from fascinating people like you, working on cool things, and helping others with their projects or whatever you’re up to! While I’ve gone the self-publishing route for my first several novels, I’m curious and eager to try the traditional publishing route. If any agents or publishers wish to get in touch, please do so.
I was open to reviewing other independent author books, but in a hilarious cascade of events, I’m banned from reviewing on Amazon. Sorry, kids!