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A knight in full medieval armor offers his beloved a bowl of warm soup in bed.

Hollywood Heroics Hold Lousy Love Lessons

Well, That’s One Way to Show You Care Like a lot of American kids in the 70s I learned from the TV show The Brady Bunch. Wait. Edit. Being the free thinker I am, here’s a better way to describe it. As an American kid in the 70s, I watched The Brady Bunch and learned whatever I wanted, not necessarily what was taught. Let’s review the episode where Peter saved a girl’s life by pulling her away from a collapsing bookcase. (S1. E21. The Hero.) Everyone praised his actions, he… Read More »Hollywood Heroics Hold Lousy Love Lessons

A boy runs from a classroom on a sunny day.

The Words You Need When You Need to Quit

You’re at the edge of a difficult decision. Or you’re considering a bold move. Or you threaten to quit something you’ve been doing for a while. During those times, if you consult other people, both the well-meaning and the not-so will ask you, “What will you do instead?” What will you do when you quit your horrible job? Who will you support if you don’t vote for one of the two very similar corporate candidates? What will you do when you drop out of college? When you leave your abusive… Read More »The Words You Need When You Need to Quit

Image created by Bing Copilot AI. Prompt: create a cartoon drawing of a young boy on a razor scooter. he is wearing a helmet and goggles. a rainbow flows out behind him as he flies across outerspace.

Adding a Shot of Adventure to Every Day

Before There Was Streaming There Were Re-runs Gather round, younglings! Let me tell you of a time long ago, before streaming movies and on-demand TV shows. Back then, television was broadcast over the air in a fashion called linear. You couldn’t change the sequence. The station would broadcast the shows when they wanted one show after the other – in a line, aka linearly – and you had to catch them when they were on. This led to a thing called reruns. In those dark ages, when a series was… Read More »Adding a Shot of Adventure to Every Day

cartoon drawing of lemmings pushing a peer off a cliff

Helping a Depressed Friend Buy a Gun

What We Can Learn from an Appalling Lack of Situational Awareness. “I’m depressed,” my acquaintance posted on Facebook. You’ve probably seen similar testimonials. Someone shares a deep secret on social media. In this case, as expected and warranted, many friends offered their support, their love. It was one of those moments when you think social media can be a beautiful thing. Then, a week later, the same guy posted requesting advice on how to buy a gun. His friends began offering tips on what handgun would be best for him.… Read More »Helping a Depressed Friend Buy a Gun

Hordes of Dog-Biting Men! -or- Lessons Learned About News Bias and Disinformation From a Fight for my Honor

I was a teenager when the knock sounded. We weren’t expecting anyone. I answered. Two kids were in my front yard on their bikes. I was immediately suspicious. I knew them from High School. I wasn’t friends with them, but I didn’t like them. I didn’t hate them or consider them enemies, but they were enemy-adjacent: friends with other kids I actively disliked. We’ll refer to them as Messenger and Assistant. “Martin is talking crap about you,” Messenger said.  Martin was another kid from high school, in the same category… Read More »Hordes of Dog-Biting Men! -or- Lessons Learned About News Bias and Disinformation From a Fight for my Honor

Annoyed rabbit wearing shades refusing to take questions at a press conference

Influencer Canceled in Record Time!

The Epic True Tale of How I Became an Amazon Influencer and Was Canceled In the Span of a Week. Chapter 1: A Delightful Surprise Congratulations, Amazon Reviewer! You have posted so many reviews and earned so many helpful votes that we are going to promote you to Vine Voices: Silver Tier. What is that? It’s an Amazon program for our best reviewers! You order items that interest you at not cost! Shipping is free. You only need pay taxes on the item as appropriate for your region. In exchange,… Read More »Influencer Canceled in Record Time!