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A cartoon illustration of Vietnam-war era soldier emerging from a toilet bowl, surrounded by Christmas lights

The War on Christmas Is Over! Bring on the Toilet Wars! 

The Jerkiest of Jerks It’s no secret this world is full of jerks. Jerks of all kinds. At the top of the scale, the jerkiest of the jerky, are those that exploit kindness. I mean those who pretend to be in distress, then when a passerby tries to help, the criminal strikes, robbing (or doing something worse to) the kind soul.  Those goons achieve peak jerkitude because they not only harm their victim, but they create a world frightened to help out a stranger. They steal kindness from us all.   … Read More »The War on Christmas Is Over! Bring on the Toilet Wars! 

A square image of a guitar painting.

A “Don’t Come Cryin’ to Me” Kind of Moment

USA Election 2024 is over. If the obvious happens, I don’t want to hear from you. Okay, friend, so you voted for Trump. This might surprise you, but I get it. I really do. Times are tough. You got tired of it. So, you voted for change. If you had any concerns beyond your own, you set them aside because life is hard. No doubt. Totally agreed, life is rough. My concern is this: I follow politics and study history, and what I’ve learned is that a different path doesn’t… Read More »A “Don’t Come Cryin’ to Me” Kind of Moment

Easter egg painted in the colors of the Trans rights flag

Easter, American Freedom, and Trans Rights

Today is March 31, 2024. It’s an important day for Amercians and our deeply held beliefs that all should have the freedom to pursue happiness and to live as they want. Yes, I was riffing on the fact that today is the Christian/Pagan holiday of Easter as well as Trans Day of Visibility. Unfortunately, and somewhat surprisingly, a lot of anti-Trans hate comes from people who either claim to respect Christianity or the USA or both. It’s surprising because Christianity allegedly stands for kindness and respect toward others. The USA… Read More »Easter, American Freedom, and Trans Rights

might fight

The Second Amendment Failed Its Biggest Test on January 6, 2021

photo from Boston Public Library through Unsplash There was a moment at the start of the Ukraine war when I stumbled across a conservative U.S. website. The commenters there were stimulated by the recent story that Ukrainians had told a Russian Warship to “Go fuck yourself!” and were then killed. (It turned out the story was only partly true – the defiant Ukrainians were captured.) Someone on the forum asked a question: “If the United States was attacked by a foreign power, would you arm yourself and launch guerilla-style attacks… Read More »The Second Amendment Failed Its Biggest Test on January 6, 2021

Operation #AdoptAFoxViewer – Helping Fox News Viewers see facts

As enjoyable as the Fox News lawsuit loss is, I’ve seen a lot of party-poopers crying that Fox viewers won’t learn about the message. To fix that, we should Adopt a Fox Viewer #AdoptAFoxViewer or adopt a Fox News forum. Your mission: Go any Fox News website or Social Media Forum and post a link to the news that Fox lost their lawsuit. Politely inform the people there that Fox is lying and that they recently paid 787 million because of it. It’s that simple. (Bonus points for including a… Read More »Operation #AdoptAFoxViewer – Helping Fox News Viewers see facts

How To Preserve Freedom by Helping Elect a Tyrant

photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash November 3, 2020. Presidential election day during the COVID-19 quarantine. I was working as a voting machine operator at a polling station. The whole day was brutal. We’d been so busy for the first several hours that I had forgotten to drink and had become shaky. It was evening now, I was hydrated, and there was thankfully, finally, a lull. A young man was looking at the papers laid out on the table near the entrance. He was closely scanning all those legal documents… Read More »How To Preserve Freedom by Helping Elect a Tyrant