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Home » Operation #AdoptAFoxViewer – Helping Fox News Viewers see facts

Operation #AdoptAFoxViewer – Helping Fox News Viewers see facts

As enjoyable as the Fox News lawsuit loss is, I’ve seen a lot of party-poopers crying that Fox viewers won’t learn about the message. To fix that, we should Adopt a Fox Viewer #AdoptAFoxViewer or adopt a Fox News forum.

Your mission: Go any Fox News website or Social Media Forum and post a link to the news that Fox lost their lawsuit. Politely inform the people there that Fox is lying and that they recently paid 787 million because of it. It’s that simple. (Bonus points for including a link to an outlet they usually don’t like – which I guess is all of them – but I feel like PBS and NPR are best.)

Let’s pierce the bubble together, and show there are real consequences for trying to sabotage our democracy. Maybe we’ll even wake up some minds to the clear and present danger that Fox News is to freedom in the process.

Well Fox, you built your business on babying your audience, so don’t be sad that they acted like babies

You can see in the image attached here where I did so. I wasn’t rude. I just told them the facts. You don’t even need to reply. Me? I can’t help myself. But it’s fine to just let them know they are being used and leave it at that.

As for commentary on the case itself, it’s funny to me that Fox could trash our democracy and abuse its freedoms all day long, but the moment they infringed on another corporation – well then, there must be consequences for that! Shows where the real power and value is.

Also it’s somewhat funny to me that allegedly grown adults (Fox viewers) are so frail and emotionally weak that when a news network told them the truth, they threatened to run to other networks that would lie to them. Well Fox, you built your business on babying your audience, so don’t be sad that they acted like babies and cost you 3/4 a bil.

Regardless, have at it, my fellow citizens!

Hello Fox News viewers! Did you know that Fox News lies to you regularly? They attempted to steal our freedom to vote with lies about the 2020 election? It’s all true but they won’t tell you that. Here’s a link to more information on it: #FoxNewsLies #foxlawsuit #AdoptAFoxViewer