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Larry Nocella

author | explorer | thinker. infinitely inquisitive about our fascinating world. i write a lot. i have fun and do my best to spread good vibes.

Caroline Munro and John Philip Law in The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1974)

Sinbad the Sailor, Barbara Bush, and Life Lessons

My wife once worked at a mall where Barbara Bush was touring for a photo op. Yes, that Barbara Bush, matriarch of the American political dynasty. Wife of one president, mother of another. As you can tell, we Americans have a rich history of defying monarchies. Anyway, a friend of my wife, a guy who worked at a bakery, made Mrs. Bush a cookie, just for her. As she strolled through the mall on a practice run, he offered it to her. Mrs. Bush politely refused the cookie and said,… Read More »Sinbad the Sailor, Barbara Bush, and Life Lessons

From the top floor of Three Liberty Place, Philadelphia art museum in the upper left

The Fight For Air Climb – Philadelphia 2023

The Fight for Air Climb 2023 was a smashing success! Thank you to everyone who donated, those who cheered us on with words of support! I enjoy these fund-raising activities. It’s a chance to stay in shape while also doing greater good. This is one of the more difficult and brutal events. I can only keep pace up to the 10th floor, then I’m gassed. This isn’t like running or cycling, where maybe you can catch a break going downhill. Nothing happens, you make zero progress, unless you exert yourself.… Read More »The Fight For Air Climb – Philadelphia 2023

Operation #AdoptAFoxViewer – Helping Fox News Viewers see facts

As enjoyable as the Fox News lawsuit loss is, I’ve seen a lot of party-poopers crying that Fox viewers won’t learn about the message. To fix that, we should Adopt a Fox Viewer #AdoptAFoxViewer or adopt a Fox News forum. Your mission: Go any Fox News website or Social Media Forum and post a link to the news that Fox lost their lawsuit. Politely inform the people there that Fox is lying and that they recently paid 787 million because of it. It’s that simple. (Bonus points for including a… Read More »Operation #AdoptAFoxViewer – Helping Fox News Viewers see facts

How To Preserve Freedom by Helping Elect a Tyrant

photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash November 3, 2020. Presidential election day during the COVID-19 quarantine. I was working as a voting machine operator at a polling station. The whole day was brutal. We’d been so busy for the first several hours that I had forgotten to drink and had become shaky. It was evening now, I was hydrated, and there was thankfully, finally, a lull. A young man was looking at the papers laid out on the table near the entrance. He was closely scanning all those legal documents… Read More »How To Preserve Freedom by Helping Elect a Tyrant