Somewhere in the symbolic halls of American mythology, the Tree of Liberty has died. The metaphorical tree has perished from over-watering.
United States Tree Surgeon General Joshua Hilderberger explained.
“The Tree of Liberty doesn’t thrive on water, it lives on blood. Unfortunately, its roots have not been fed a healthy dose of the occasional blood from patriots and tyrants, as Thomas Jefferson advised. It’s been drowned. The poor tree was saturated with the blood of children who didn’t think the gun was loaded, by students just trying to learn math, by macho fools facing off in Wal-mart parking lots, by lunatics freely offered the deadliest firearms, by cruel morons stoked by crueler con-artists, by false patriots determined to defend freedom but becoming its greatest enemy, by wars to support access to petrol for oil companies. And on and on. I could list a million other sources. At this point, it doesn’t matter. The Tree of Liberty is dead.”
Observers consider the Tree of Liberty’s demise a dire warning that America’s freedoms are dwindling.
Several tourists passing through the White House garden were surprised when the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appeared.
“By thunder!” his shade yelled. “I was strolling about the land of the dead when I recognized that tree. I knew it. You killed it! How much did you fools feed it? I said it needed to be watered from time to time. Not every day. Who is supplying all this blood? Patriots or tyrants?”
White House press secretary Shaynah Helmsmarin rushed to the scene.
“Actually, sir, most of the blood is from children.”
“Children, you say? But how?”
“Well sir, it appears the modern people of America have chosen to murder each other at an unprecedented rate.”
“Murder each other? Gads! Are you in time of a civil war?”
“You’ve been gone a while. There was a Civil War, but the tree survived that. Barely.”
“What of now, then? What drowned this poor plant?”
“Well, everyone has access to a firearm now. Anyone and everyone.”
“Then we need to mobilize the well-regulated militia to restore order,” Jefferson said. “Madison was explicit. All who own firearms must take part. It wasn’t hard to understand.”
“Ah, about that… there is no such militia.”
“Gods! Such foolishness injures my ethereal soul! Where is my love slave? I mean my slave. I mean my lover! A man needs comfort! Damnation! You clowns know naught of freedom’s ways! Send me back to oblivion!”
With that, his specter disappeared.
Secretary Helmsmarin fielded questions from reporters.
“Does the White House have any plans to replant the Tree of Liberty?”
The press secretary’s answer was swift. “No. We have plans to do what we always do when we burn through our natural resources. We’ll buy a plastic replica from China.”