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Input Overload Causes Dizziness

The world is only chaos if you insist on listening to too much at the same time. If you played six different songs at the same time you’d go nuts. That’s exactly what people do when they tune into social media and suck down multiple news inputs. You go to a party you don’t interact with each person simultaneously. You go a few at time. That’s how we’re made. Too much input and you’re going to go insane.

cartoon drawing of lemmings pushing a peer off a cliff

Helping a Depressed Friend Buy a Gun

What We Can Learn from an Appalling Lack of Situational Awareness. “I’m depressed,” my acquaintance posted on Facebook. You’ve probably seen similar testimonials. Someone shares a deep secret on social media. In this case, as expected and warranted, many friends offered their support, their love. It was one of those moments when you think social media can be a beautiful thing. Then, a week later, the same guy posted requesting advice on how to buy a gun. His friends began offering tips on what handgun would be best for him.… Read More »Helping a Depressed Friend Buy a Gun

the author, spaced out

I’m Depressed! I’m Here! Get Used to It!

This tale was originally published on my blog years ago, then republished again on Medium in honor of World Mental Health Day 2017. Now here it is again. It helped me to express these things. Hopefully it helps you. THE FIRST DECISION The two most important women in my life come from opposite ends of the privacy spectrum. My mother lived by old-world Italian reticence, private to a fault. My wife is at home in the modern era, spilling every detail of our lives onto Facebook in real time. Living… Read More »I’m Depressed! I’m Here! Get Used to It!