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Larry Nocella

author | explorer | thinker. infinitely inquisitive about our fascinating world. i write a lot. i have fun and do my best to spread good vibes.

Annoyed rabbit wearing shades refusing to take questions at a press conference

Influencer Canceled in Record Time!

The Epic True Tale of How I Became an Amazon Influencer and Was Canceled In the Span of a Week. Chapter 1: A Delightful Surprise Congratulations, Amazon Reviewer! You have posted so many reviews and earned so many helpful votes that we are going to promote you to Vine Voices: Silver Tier. What is that? It’s an Amazon program for our best reviewers! You order items that interest you at not cost! Shipping is free. You only need pay taxes on the item as appropriate for your region. In exchange,… Read More »Influencer Canceled in Record Time!

yawning bored man

Boring People Don’t Exist — No One Is “Basic”

“You’re boring,” he said. The comment took me by surprise. It happened decades ago. I was an intern at a chemical lab. A coworker – an adult, I was still a teen — came into the lab and began working at a different station. We each were concentrating on our own tasks in silence for several minutes when suddenly he said, “You’re boring.” “What?” I answered. It felt like an insult, but I wasn’t sure. Plus, I wanted to buy time. How should I respond? “You never talk,” he said.… Read More »Boring People Don’t Exist — No One Is “Basic”

Cute tiny little robots are working in a futuristic soap factory

How To Use Generative AI to be More Human

Early in my writing career, I had a debate with an editor after I told him my strategy to avoid clichés. It’s a simple trick: If I’ve heard the phrase before, I take it out. He considered the idea then rendered his judgment.  “I agree mostly,” he said. “But I don’t think you should limit yourself.” We left it at that. Decades ago. I’ve since come over to his view a little. Sometimes a cliché is the right move. When someone is grieving the death of a loved one, the… Read More »How To Use Generative AI to be More Human

skull with lol on it

Blog Rewind: Is it okay to cheer or laugh that someone died? Or, are The Darwin Awards funny?

Here’s a bit of philosophy from 28 January 2008. It’s a blog titled, in a most un-SEO-friendly way: “When is it okay to cheer or laugh that someone died? Or, are The Darwin Awards funny?” This first question re-appeared recently, following footage of stalwart opponent of the working class, Senator Mitch McConnell, freezing mid-sentence at a press conference. The questions arose again. Is it okay to wish someone dead? What if that person is a known oppressor? So, I ask you, when is it okay to cheer or laugh that… Read More »Blog Rewind: Is it okay to cheer or laugh that someone died? Or, are The Darwin Awards funny?

roundabout image - photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

Blog Rewind: Hustle Culture before there was Hustle Culture

I’m Done Reading Get-Rich-Quick “I Made X Dollars Writing About Y” Articles Blog Rewind: This one was published a while back in 2022, when I got sick of these types of articles. Nothing has changed except I’m no longer disappointed because I avoid them. Before the internet, before “hustle culture,” there were print and classified ads. These ads were a mix of anything. Some read simply, “Send me a dollar and I’ll tell you how to make $100.” When you sent in your dollar, the reply you got — the… Read More »Blog Rewind: Hustle Culture before there was Hustle Culture

How to Be Happier

Was working some things out in my head about #gratitude and #happiness and put this together. Think of it as a micro-mini #tedtalk about #mentalhealth It helped me maybe it will help you. Stay happy, friends!