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Larry Nocella

author | explorer | thinker. infinitely inquisitive about our fascinating world. i write a lot. i have fun and do my best to spread good vibes.

cover of dead in the water book

Book Review: Dead in the Water

Just read the fascinating non-fiction book Dead in the Water. Part true crime, part behind the scenes how the world works. Review as my TikTok persona, @scooter_bae! Amazon affiliate link here @scooter_bae Just read a fascinating interesting book Dead in the Water. Part true crime, part bts how the world works. Amazon affiliate link here #booktok #bookrecommendations #bookrecs #bookreview #nonfiction ♬ Cinematic Music – dN. Chandrawinata

God gives the finger to the Westboro Baptist Church

Blog Rewind: How Hate Can Bring Us Together (Is the Path to Heaven is Paved with Evil Intentions?)

Over the years, I’ve posted several blogs all across the net on now defunct websites. Blog Rewind revisits these old posts, touched up for modern times. This one, originally published April 2010. I’ve always distrusted pretty-sounding quotations. Too many people think that just because a statement is said concisely, or a famous person said it, or it has a poetic ring, that it’s true. Context doesn’t matter. It’s “set it and forget it” for the mind. More like “just repeat and your thinking’s complete.” This happens all the time when… Read More »Blog Rewind: How Hate Can Bring Us Together (Is the Path to Heaven is Paved with Evil Intentions?)

the author, spaced out

I’m Depressed! I’m Here! Get Used to It!

This tale was originally published on my blog years ago, then republished again on Medium in honor of World Mental Health Day 2017. Now here it is again. It helped me to express these things. Hopefully it helps you. THE FIRST DECISION The two most important women in my life come from opposite ends of the privacy spectrum. My mother lived by old-world Italian reticence, private to a fault. My wife is at home in the modern era, spilling every detail of our lives onto Facebook in real time. Living… Read More »I’m Depressed! I’m Here! Get Used to It!

Universal danger sign

Dangerous Doings During Design! (A Warning For Graphic Designers — and really anyone)

This is a cautionary tale for all you graphic designers out there. An anecdote and a solution. I was a graphic designer for a library. My first full-time job after I quit college. (That’s another story.) I was good with computers and had learned how to do graphics programs (anyone remember PageMaker and QuarkExpress?) so I landed a job printing pamphlets at a library for their events and whatnot. So, the time came when I had to design a pamphlet for a new garden atrium at the brand-new library. The… Read More »Dangerous Doings During Design! (A Warning For Graphic Designers — and really anyone)

Maximum Returns with Minimal Investment Using This Simple Trick

Photo by Caleb Chen (@calebchen) on Unsplash ( I was proud of myself. I was doing a good deed. But before it was all over, there would be tears. What happened? Back before remote work, Stephanie (not her real name) was always bringing in snacks for the team. Every Thursday or Friday, we could count on a spread of goodies in the break room. She did it with such regularity and quiet dedication, we came to expect it. People tossed a halfhearted “Thanks,” her way as they ran to gobble… Read More »Maximum Returns with Minimal Investment Using This Simple Trick

might fight

The Second Amendment Failed Its Biggest Test on January 6, 2021

photo from Boston Public Library through Unsplash There was a moment at the start of the Ukraine war when I stumbled across a conservative U.S. website. The commenters there were stimulated by the recent story that Ukrainians had told a Russian Warship to “Go fuck yourself!” and were then killed. (It turned out the story was only partly true – the defiant Ukrainians were captured.) Someone on the forum asked a question: “If the United States was attacked by a foreign power, would you arm yourself and launch guerilla-style attacks… Read More »The Second Amendment Failed Its Biggest Test on January 6, 2021