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Larry Nocella

author | explorer | thinker. infinitely inquisitive about our fascinating world. i write a lot. i have fun and do my best to spread good vibes.

American soldier from WW2 types at modern computer keyboard

The “No Life Advantage” of a Comment Commando

Hiding from Our Beautiful World I was on a cruise in the Caribbean, enjoying a vacation many can only dream of. The sun was high, the sky so clear and blue it almost hurt to see. Sparkles dotted the ocean out to the horizon. It was one of those vistas so breathtaking, that I gave myself a reminder, almost a prayer. “This is why you work hard. This is what you struggle for, for moments of beauty like this.” At least, that’s what I had said earlier. After, I withdrew… Read More »The “No Life Advantage” of a Comment Commando

cartoon drawing of lemmings pushing a peer off a cliff

Helping a Depressed Friend Buy a Gun

What We Can Learn from an Appalling Lack of Situational Awareness. “I’m depressed,” my acquaintance posted on Facebook. You’ve probably seen similar testimonials. Someone shares a deep secret on social media. In this case, as expected and warranted, many friends offered their support, their love. It was one of those moments when you think social media can be a beautiful thing. Then, a week later, the same guy posted requesting advice on how to buy a gun. His friends began offering tips on what handgun would be best for him.… Read More »Helping a Depressed Friend Buy a Gun

Book Review: Fantasticland

Fantasticland by Mike Bockoven. Recommend this horror book (even though on the cover it says “thriller” I think it’s more horror.) See my video review on TikTok below. See the book through my Amazon Affiliate link here. @scooter_bae Fantasticland by Mike Bockoven #greenscreen #booktok #books #horror #horrorfiction #horrorbook ♬ original sound – Scooter_Bae

Hordes of Dog-Biting Men! -or- Lessons Learned About News Bias and Disinformation From a Fight for my Honor

I was a teenager when the knock sounded. We weren’t expecting anyone. I answered. Two kids were in my front yard on their bikes. I was immediately suspicious. I knew them from High School. I wasn’t friends with them, but I didn’t like them. I didn’t hate them or consider them enemies, but they were enemy-adjacent: friends with other kids I actively disliked. We’ll refer to them as Messenger and Assistant. “Martin is talking crap about you,” Messenger said.  Martin was another kid from high school, in the same category… Read More »Hordes of Dog-Biting Men! -or- Lessons Learned About News Bias and Disinformation From a Fight for my Honor

Book Review: Excellent Sheep

As a proud college dropout, I was excited to read this. I also like the author, William Deresiewicz. I’ve enjoyed listening to him as a guest on podcasts and admired his analyses. Like myself, he has a deep love of learning. Unlike myself, he puts too much faith in the institution of college and that error haunts this book. I don’t like to be condescending, but at several points I wanted to ask, “How clueless are you, bro?” From my experience, if “The Academy” ever meant something, whatever noble values… Read More »Book Review: Excellent Sheep